25 October 2011

Penyakit-penyakit Di Dunia : Pityriasis rosea


Pityriasis rosea is believed to be caused by a virus. It occurs most often in the fall and spring.

Although pityriasis rosea may occur in more than one person in a household at a time, it is not thought to spread from one person to another.

Pityriasis rosea is a common type of skin rash seen in young adults.


Attacks most often last 4 - 8 weeks. Symptoms may disappear by 3 weeks or last as long as 12 weeks.

The rash starts with a single large patch called a herald patch. After several days, more skin rashes will appear on the chest, back, arms, and legs.

The skin rashes:

  • Are often pink or pale red

  • Are oval in shape

  • May be scaly

  • May follow lines in the skin or appear in a "Christmas tree" pattern

  • May itch

kesan jangkitan virus terhadap mangsa


Your health care provider can usually diagnose pityriasis rosea by the way the rash looks.

Rarely, the following tests are needed:

  • A blood test to be sure it is not a form of syphilis, which can cause a similar rash

  • A skin biopsy to confirm the diagnosis


If symptoms are mild, you may not need treatment.

Gentle bathing, mild lubricants or creams, or mild hydrocortisone creams may be used to soothe irritation.

Antihistamines taken by mouth may be used to reduce itching. You can buy antihistamines at the store without a prescription.

Moderate sun exposure or ultraviolet (UV) light treatment may help make the rash go away more quickly. However, you must be careful to avoid sunburn.


Pityriasis rosea usually goes away within 6 - 12 weeks. It doesn't usually come back.

p/s : lama siot 4-8 minggu. dah la sama macam rash kalau kena syphilis. abes tertutup six pack aku dgn bintik2 merah ni.

05 October 2011

Mari berbelanja.....

Di suatu malam yang hening...kaki ini melangkah masuk mini market berdekatan..tekak teringin nak makan roti..mengidam ke hape tah..Terus pegi kat sudut satu mas(brader la kalau kt malaysia) nih jual roti..

Roti yang dimaksudkan..dibuat dgn ramuan kasih sayang oleh brader2 ala teroris

Rentetan peristiwa

Aku : Mas..roti yg ini satu..
Dia pun amik..bubuh dalam plastik..

Aku : Berapa mas?
Mas si saudagar roti: 6 ribu..

Aku pun hulur duit 5000rupiah sehelai dgn 2000rupiah sehelai..7000 ah sng cite..so duit balik 1000..

Mas si saudagar roti : Nah kembaliannya..makasih yach!

Duit yang didambakan


Duit yang kuterima

Speechless!!!!!!aku xtau dah ape ayat yg perlu aku pakai utk mengekspresikan perasaan dan pikiran di lubuk minda ku ini...xterkata..
Kebetulan lepas tu aku ada berbual dgn jackie chan..aku pun story la kat dia..ini ekspresi dia

Yaa..itu dia..mmg mind aku full of fuck memikirkan apa yg telah berlaku

p/s: WTF nih wehhhh...nak lukis lain kali beli natang nih..setan ape perangai lukis2 kat duit nih wehhhh..HAROM!